The Bluecard appeared automatically when the user looked at the avatar using the cross hairs. 当用户使用十字标查看某个角色时,Bluecard将自动出现。
Gay marriage, and especially gay parenting, has been in the cross hairs in recent days. 同性恋结婚,特别是同性恋双亲,近日颇受关注。
He had the target in his cross hairs. 他已经锁定了目标。
A system of fine lines, dots, cross hairs, or wires in the focal plane of the eyepiece of an optical instrument. 光学仪器的目镜上的细线、圆点、十字型细线或金属丝组成的系统。
Aiming at the target through X12 sight of TV goniometry, the firer presses the firing trigger and keeps the cross hairs of the sight on the target. 通过电视角度测定法的X12瞄准具对准目标,发射者按发射板机和保持瞄准具的交叉瞄准线在目标上。
The sound beam is even equipped with a viewfinder so the operator can precisely target the audio by finding a person in cross hairs. 这个声音柱甚至装备了一个秒转器,所以操作者能在杂乱的人群中将声音准确的定位目标。
Computer Aided Measurement System for Screw Threads Using VB Graphical User Interface& The Design and Application of Cross Hairs 基于计算机VB平台测试螺纹&米字线的设计与应用